Friday, May 25, 2007

The day takes a sunny turn!

And the sun broke through the clouds and everything seemed to break forth from the gloom! To the concept of "its not what you know, but who you know" add dealing with the IRS. Ever since I was made aware of the problem with the IRS tax lien on the property I closed in Spring of 2006, I have been dealing with an awful lot of people to try to get it resolved with as little hoopla as possible. A lot of people have been sympathetic and offered suggestions in dealing with it. However, few have given me a solution which resolves the matter completely without a ton of blood, sweat and tears on my part. This has caused a lot of sleepless moments in my bed at night and in front of the computer screen. The past few weeks, and the past few days in particular have been very uncomfortable for me.

However, at the suggestion of a staff attorney for the title insurance company, I spoke with another attorney on staff about this problem. After hearing my fact situation, she spoke to what could be done through the maze of IRS regulations. As it turns out, our situation may be a whole lot rosier than we expected. As the saying goes, "Every once in awhile, you just have to look up the law." Anyway, under the regulations, it turns out that we should be able to request a certificate of discharge on this property based on the lack of equity at the time of the original foreclosure sale.

Glory days! Glory days! Glory days! Now all I have to do is prepare the petition for a certificate of discharge. At last a solution which simply requires me to prepare a pleading and file it with the IRS. Tada!

Anyway, the day just got a whole lot simpler and enjoyable. I am now looking forward to going to a movie with family and going to the Jazz Festival in Atlanta tomorrow, and maybe even Sunday, depending on what happens. As I allow the optimism to wash over my shoulders, I anticipate a good night's sleep and a fun day tomorrow. How marvelous that it includes a three day weekend. Tada!

Lift me up in the chariot of the sun and let us draw ourselves across the sky like Apollo! The world is ours and those whom we love! Hallelujah! The full growth and bliss of summer is upon us! Let us take off our dust clothes of Winter and shout to the full life of the world!

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