Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Black Tuesday and a ray of light

Today was the day in which I was to contend with lawyers and the IRS and try to get a closing completed and get ready for a number of other closings and matters. I took Kate with me to work and she helped me with a lot of matters. I closed her up in Bridgett's old office and she worked quite well. Of course, she wasn't just Repunzel in her tower. I sent her to the Clerk's Office and to United Bank. I even took her home to lunch.

I had a fairly productive day in which I got advice from an IRS man and no support from one of my fellow Griffin lawyers.

Tonight I feel like Kate. Three times tonight the computer has erased about half of what I had written. I hate this computer, but not as much as Kate's computer. It does things to my posts about which I am not very pleased.

I took Kate up to North Spalding County to show her the new development. She was amazed and appalled.

Tonight we had planned to go eat wings at Charles Heggies' new chicken place in Stockbridge. Cindy didn't want to go, so I called Charles and made arrangements for later and went to MoJo's instead. Kate and I had cheap beers and shared some stories and waited for our wings. We brought them home and watched a little bit of baseball until the television took over and prevented us from watching the Braves.

Of course, I have outsmarted the television. I am watching the Braves on the television in the den. The Braves' pitcher Kyle Davies from Stockbridge just hit a three run homer to run the score up to 8-1. Then Kelly Johnson hit a triple. He is now on third with two outs.

The Braves are behind the Mets. They need to win all three if possible. I don't think it will happen, but it would be nice. I hate the Mets. I hate the Mets. I hate the Mets. I hate the accursed Mets. Yaaaaaaaa!

Well the end of the inning. The beginning of the 7th and the Braves look to win this one easily.

I need to get on my pajamas. Cindy's cousin, Debbie, seems to have taken control of some of the responsibility for this wild Sicard gathering. I know that McComb Mississippi seemed like a good deal in the beginning, but they don't have much in the way of amenities. They do have water moccasins and gators, though. That will put a crimp in the fun, or not.

I think I need catfish. Perhaps they will have that. Time to get ready for bed. Goodnight, gentle readers.

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