Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Fragment

I had a dream earlier tonight. I dreamed that I was on a date with a young women who resembled one of the Olson twins. She was a young blonde-haired women with bright blue eyes and a slender build. She seemed much younger than me. I encountered her in her offices with her colleagues and friends, which caused me to feel like an outsider. After suffering the continuing experience of alienation at the hands of her co-workers, I determined that it would be better to find my car and call it a night. I apologized to my date and headed through the parking deck in her office building to my car. My date followed and we talked quietly as we walked. When I got to my car, I noticed damage to my windshield and a ticket. We discussed my problem and she registered concern and empathy. I suddenly discovered similarities with her that I hadn't noticed before. We stood and talked in the parking deck and suddenly she was in my arms and we were planning another meeting for the future.I remarked to her about our similarities. My dream ended when Cindy and the dog got up in the middle of the night. I awoke.

More Coleridge. "In Xanadu, did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree..."