Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A long day, but longer for others

It starts off coming into the office very early so you can look over the file and make sure that you have it stuck clearly in your mind so that you don't look like an idiot in front of your client, who will definitely let you and everyone else they know that you are an idiot and remember that if you do well it was a miracle and if you don't then you are paid too much for what you do but you sit there in court from about 8:30 until 12:00, watching the show of other cases and other lawyers and other clients and you get the idea of where court is heading and you almost lean over to counsel for the other side and warn him about what might happen, but you don't so you come back after lunch, which you skipped by the way, but you did let the dog out, Cindy, but you didn't get to water, but you return to court and wait for your client to show and then they start dealing with other cases and you are watching and waiting then suddenly they call the calendar and you stand and opine as to how long it will take and the judge calls somebody else and then you are sitting watching and he asks if you could do it quicker, so you say yes, what else would you say, and you pick your stack of papers up and pile them on the desk and you motion for your client and she comes up and asks you where you want her and you point to the witness stand and she doesn't understand and you try again and you get her up there and swear her in and she starts to unravel and you try to push her forward until the judge starts asking questions and suddenly everyone is leaving and you are running back to the office to prepare an order and the day is done, at least that part of it and you have succeeded temporarily until the next day and the next court and the next client and judge.

And they are still trying cases up there, or were when you left.

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