Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1 Summer, with a stone on my chest

It is again quite warm this morning. I took the trash to the curb and realized that this is a holiday short week where they ordinarily adjust the pickup days so that trash pickups occur one day later. If that is the case, then pickup will happen on Thursday. Meanwhile, it is going to be in the middle to high 90's today and tomorrow. I get to run the sprinkler at lunch. Yay! Matt and Al are in Rome today. La-di-da. I am not trying to critique Catholicism. It is just not on my radar this morning. I have more concern for getting to the office on time.

I am on a Samuel Taylor Coleridge jag right now. He is definitely one of my favorites, although I do like all of the Romantic Poets: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Byron. All great. That was my first favorite class in college. Well, the heat lasted through the evening. I picked Cindy up at SCTC and the thermometer in her car read 103. That is hot for Georgia on the first day of June. The portents are ill in early June/late Spring. We haven't even had the Belmont and the end of professional hockey yet. That is silly.

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