Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why I like Thursdays

Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week. Thursday has all the anticipation and possibilities of the weekend, without any of the letdowns that come with Friday, Saturday or Sunday. On Thursday, you get the idea that the weekend is just around the corner. On top of that, sometimes you get a long weekend and the weekend actually begins on Thursday night. In addition, now that it is football season, you get Thursday night games under the lights, like tonight's game between Georgia Tech and Clemson. I love watching Georgia Tech play at home on Thursday night. They always seem to play better on Thursday night. And I really dislike Clempson, so you get a double whammy. Meanwhile, beyond the extra football on Thursday night, there is a lot of good television on Thursday night and Cindy doesn't work on Friday, so everyone can sleep late on Friday and I can go in to the office as early as I want to. Finally, you can think about the fun you might have on the weekend without thinking that the weekend is almost over, like you do on Saturday or Sunday.

Yes, Thursday is a good day.

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