Thursday, September 10, 2009

The effect of flowers blooming on a gloomy day in September

I dropped Cindy off at the front of Griffin Tech this morning and sipped on some herbal tea as I drove through town towards my office. The skies were overcast and grey. It had rained last night and there was a bit of moisture on the ground as I drove. I finally pulled through the intersection at 8th Street and College Street and drove down the last block before I got to the small parking lot in the back of the white Victorian house in which my office is located. I pulled into the lot and parked next to an old white frame garage building behind the house. I removed the key from the ignition and stepped out of the car.

As I walked from my car to the front of the building, I passed a number of bushes and plants planted alongside the drive and the house next door. Both houses are former residential houses, altered to house commercial enterprises. The landscaping and plantings remain from the days when people lived in the houses and planted for their enjoyment and the beauty of the greenery.
But I stepped under the porte cochere and suddenly the fragrance emanating from one of the bushes, blooming at this time of late Summer hit my nose and it was such a delightful smell. It being this late in the Summer, I didn't expect to smell such a fragrance as I walked through there. But the effect on my mood was elevating. I was happy and suddenly glad to have an office in this old residential building.

There was a bit of a jump in my step as I entered the front door of the building and ascended the steps to my office. Simple pleasures. Simple pleasures.

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