Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tweed weather

I woke up this morning at 4:00. This is fairly typical for me when I have two cases to be tried within the next few weeks, not to mention a hearing in Superior Court. I woke up early, my mind racing over issues involved in the two cases, particularly the first one. I stepped out of bed and almost stepped on Tex, as he lay on the floor in the bedroom, on my side of the bed. I walked into the living room and turned on the television. After watching a little early morning television, I pulled a throw blanket over my carcass and fell asleep for about an hour.

After putting away the clean dishes in the kitchen, I showered and dressed for work. I had walked the dog earlier, so I knew it was significantly cooler this morning than previous mornings. In dressing, I put on a pair of flannel pants and a silk jacket. As I left the house and walked out into the morning, my outfit felt quite appropriate for the weather.

I am glad Fall has finally arrived. The fair will come in a couple of weeks. Friday nights under the lights of high school football fields will get cooler and cooler as the days go by. The leaves on some trees are already turning. The dogwood outside my window is turning rusty already, the berries are bright red. Soon, the Japanese maple outside our living room will turn a deep reddish purple and the wall opposite the window will turn the color of red wine with the combination of the afternoon sun shining through the foliage of the maple. Up in North Georgia, the sugar maples will turn bright orange. My front yard will be covered with pine needles soon.

Time to bring out the tweeds.

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