Thursday, January 24, 2008

Waiting for the world to move.

These days are a little odd. I get more promises of payment than actual payment. That seems normal (oddly). I am also getting more promises of closings than actual closings. That is clearly normal, and always has been.

This morning I woke up later than normal. I struggled with my fifty one year old body to move into motion. Everything seemed to be on hold. I knew the dog was waiting down stairs to go outside and start his normal day. I also knew if I didn't assist him in that journey, he would take matters into his own hands and I would end up cleaning up the consequences. That was sufficient motivation.

I guess I now am perched at the beginning of this day with the same motivation. I need to get moving before I end up having to clean up the consequences later. This is the exemplification of my life as a glorified janitor. Cleaning up messes and maintaining the status quo in order to prevent future messes.

An attorney is an over-educated maintenance/janitorial staff person and priest. He cleans up messes, prevents future messes and hears the sins of the fallen. It is a calling and a job. Pure and simple. There are moments of great clarity and victory such as yesterday. Then there are the efforts to extricate the fallen from their own messes. That's what makes it so much fun.

Now it is 9:15 and I am still struggling to make the world move. My vision is cloudy and my stomach feels like it is full with detrius. Aggh!

Shrive me, shrive me.

Look it up.

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