Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A hot day in August, revisited

I have been corrected by Cindy about the relative temperatures and humidity on the day that we got married. I suppose it is the nature of such an occasion that it causes the participants to forget what really happened. All I remember was that Cindy was beautiful and I was dashing and everyone seemed to be having fun until the photographer decided he had to take us out away from the band and the music and the dancing and everyone having fun and take some pictures. Photographers are a little myopic. Of course, they have their job to do. I suppose.

At any rate, I stand by my statement that the people from the southeast look more crisp and bouyant than the ones from California in our wedding pictures. Then there is John, without his coat, a look of weariness on his face, and the bridal veil perched on top of his head. And I direct your attention to the pictures of the people who all went to Dunwoody High School together or my friends from W&L. Don't they look more collected and calm than the groups of Californians? I think so.

And then there is the picture of Uncle David. The Marlboro Man, reinvented. If that ain't cool, I don't know cool.

Anyway, it was fun, despite the heat and humidity. And I think I may have to call the National Weather Service to find out what the temperature and humidity was on Balboa Island on August 6, 1983. That may be the only way to resolve this issue.

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