Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday in late January: grey

This weekend, Kate is involved in a creative spiritual weekend with PC at Montreat in North Carolina. Also this weekend, I was involved with a leadership seminar at church for the elders. An elder from First Church of Douglasville met with us and we participated in an exercise in which we considered the concept of world view and how that affects our roles as leaders in the church. I wonder if Kate's seminar is similar.

Unfortunately, Cindy was left at home by herself. She petted the dog and watched television and read. She worried about the impending week and its demands. She worried about Tex and his ears. She worried about me and where I was. Now my seminar is over and she is waiting for me to return. The day is overcast and gloomy. I would like to do something recreational today, since I will be cleaning the house tomorrow after church. Unfortunately, I am not sure what recreation is available on such a cold Winter day. With a sick wife contemplating surgery on Tuesday.

At any rate, I am about to leave this place and head for home, side trips for errands notwithstanding. I am not very philosophical at this time. All of my philosophizing was used up during the seminar. Perhaps, tomorrow.

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