Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday morning

Last night a band of rains came and it is supposed to be cooler today. I think, however, that most of the cool temperature came to latitudes which are further north than here. It appears that we have a couple more days to go before we get something approaching Winter weather.

In the AJC they had an article about the sprouting of early Spring flowers, like crocus, iris and hyacinth, a good month before they are ordinarily due. I haven't seen these species yet but that doesn't mean they are not there. I might just have to walk around the yard on Saturday morning and take a look.

I would like it to cool off. I think I heard that it is supposed to cool off at least by Sunday.

Apparently, Tex was frightened by the thunder last night and barked enough to awaken Cindy, though not me. He barked enough so that she got up and brought him into the bedroom. He hid under the bed and pooted in the bathroom. He must have really been frightened. What a big baby.

I have a divorce client coming in this morning, and I am expecting her now. However, when I spoke with Patti last night she had said she would be up here around 8:45, which is a little too late for comfort. Besides, I wanted to get her here early so we could prepare a support affidavit. Oh well.

Bobby Burns said, "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley." We'll see what Judge Edwards thinks.

He is a stickler.

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