Friday, July 27, 2007

On the edge of a weekend

Friday morning. I woke up at the normal time of around 6:00 this morning. Cindy doesn't work on Fridays so the house was very quiet. Tex was sleeping with Cindy and Kate stayed asleep in her bed. I finished off the last of a book I was reading and then went downstairs for breakfast. The house was still and the morning was bathed in the golden light of morning. I showered and shaved and dressed for the day. On my way out I removed several bags of garbage and put glasses and cups in the dishwasher. Before I left, I removed a bag of trash from my car.

This morning has begun rather quietly. Only several telephone calls as I got ready for the morning's tasks. One new closing on Tuesday. One new client at 11:00 this morning.

I am looking forward to the business of this coming week, but not as much as I am looking forward to this weekend. Not that we have anything planned, but it would be nice to find something to do recreationally. Something better than sitting around or staying inside all weekend.

I have to assist Tim with the worship service. I have the children's sermon all set. I just need to get an outline for my prayer.

Well, despite the quiet and sweetness of the morning, I am not feeling very poetic. Perhaps this is the morning to get all the little things done at the office. Perhaps.

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