Thursday, July 12, 2007

The afternoon arrives and brings sunshine and sweetness and the promise of better things to come

This day has taken a turn for the better. First of all, I went to the post office and found a letter from one of my clients with a sizeable check for my services. Next, I received two title requests in the morning faxes. Secondly, I spoke with someone for whom I had performed a closing and he informed me that Fulton County had told him that they would reimburse him for costs if they had not applied a payment we had sent back in early 2006. Next, I received a compliment from one of the title examiners in the Clerk's office and a promise of cookies. Finally, I received two more title requests in the afternoon. That will pop me up a bit.

Cindy is right. I do have a tendency to guage my mood by how the office is going. I am trying to work steadily and keep the business of the office on an even keel. I feel better and just need to start regular exercise in order to keep myself straight. I really need to keep Kate and Cindy exercising regularly as well. Everyone in the house needs exercise, even Tex.

Well, it is time to go pick up Cindy. More later.

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