Monday, July 23, 2007

Not so early monday morning

Blither, blither, blither. Everyone in the house lost sleep last night. We all slept in separate beds so it wasn't a matter of disturbing each other. Cindy was suffering from pain in her back. Kate has mono and I woke her up much earlier than normal, so she didn't sleep as much as usual. I bought myself a book that caught my attention until after midnight. I then woke up around four this morning. I tried to go to back to sleep to no avail.

This morning may take awhile to settle into. Most folks would suggest coffee, but I'm not supposed to have caffiene and I don't drink coffee, anyway. I know I have problems, because I keep reaching for a non-existent cup of water which is not over my head above the computer. My mind is creating scenarios and life is not rising up to meet the thoughts in my head. A failure of the subjective and the objective. It would be nice if they met somewhere in the middle.

This whole thing is drifting away from me like the tide. My mind keeps bringing items to consider and my body just lets them fly by while I try to recover enough of my mind and body together to deal with them. I hear others working, interacting, moving towards the future. I am stuck at home plate, waiting for a settling of my existence which will allow me to swing.

To change the sports metaphor: gutterball, gutterball, sit down.

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