No matter how much money you have in the account or how many bills were sent out or how many promises to pay you receive, there are always more tugs on the old pursestrings awaiting you or your deposits. And it seems that the creditors are getting more ridiculous and they want to put pressure on you for the most trivial reasons, like a bill of $11.00 or $51.00. And they don't want to live up to their responsiblities and they want to make it extremely difficult on you when you do make arrangements to pay their silly little bills. And they are quick to take your money and make it difficult on you, but they are slow to respond to your needs. Because that is how they make money, you know.
It is true that when you have creditors, you work for them. It is a form of voluntary servitude. And you don't get out until you don't have them in your face at all. And how do you do that? You pass on to the other side and leave your debts and your things to your children to deal with. Materialism in all of its forms is a struggle.
Shuffle off the mortal coil, as Shakespeare said. Until that day, struggle and scrimp and save and pay and pay and pay. And try to find some pleasure and joy in the blue skies and the flowers the brighten after a rain and your spouse and your child. Enjoy the rain and the snow and every little detail of the life you are given. There are some gifts for which to be thankful.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
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