Thursday, May 1, 2008

Yes, I have.

This has been a rather disappointing day. To give you an example, it took me three tries to spell the word 'disappointing.' I am expecting a big check at the office, which was supposedly sent yesterday afternoon. It did not arrive. Cindy's mother is experiencing heart problems and may need surgery. So we may be going to Knoxville on Saturday or Friday. Three of my friends are eating together out in Northern California, but I couldn't rally anyone here to eat with me. John is flying to Chicago. The Hawks lost last night in Boston. The Braves lost again. I sat in the courtroom for about an hour only to be told by the judge that he couldn't help me and that I should go back to my client and tell him I tried. I was unable to get home to let the dog out because the line at the drive-through at United Bank was unbearably long. Patti came in with a migraine and I feel very tired for lack of sleep. I woke up around 3:45 and couldn't get to sleep. Cindy is upset about her mother and I really can't do much about it to help her. Kate is almost through with exams and other stuff at school. I still haven't heard from the bank in Jackson about the loan to the church. I am awaiting completion of a closing this afternoon, but don't know the status. The weather outside is delightful, but I am stuck inside. I am still waiting payment of bills. I was awaiting documents from Missouri for a closing and just found out the notary in Missouri forgot to put her notary seal on the warranty deed. I thought I had some business from a client but two deals have fallen through and the third is on hold till Monday. I would like to go somewhere for leisure but the damn gas is out of sight and other trips are looming. I already have too many trips planned for the next few weeks. So much of my pay is going to gasoline it isn't even funny. I lost my ability to go fishing with a friend last Friday. The reason for the loss of fishing time was due to the fact that a lot of clients were looking for work, none of which resulted in any billable work. I get the impression that a lot of my outstanding billings are due to clients waiting to receive money to pay their bills. I've got a number who shouldn't have any problem with paying, but I keep sending bills. And the p.o. box is still empty. An endless cycle.

Had enough?

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