Friday, May 30, 2008

Toast to the end of Bloody May

Here it is. The end of May, 2008. Bloody May. I have to punctuate this month with the statement: "good riddance."

I don't think I have had a month in which so many adverse occurrences have occurred. None of which seem to have anything to do with each other.

And there seems to be no limit to the carnage. Cyclones in Burma, China, the Midwest, Georgia. Sickness in my family, Frank's family, Susan's family, Cindy's family, Aunt Meg, Nikki. Economic disasters without end. Economic terrorism from the Middle East and South America. No one pays their bills on time. Even clients seem to be stung. No one can fulfill the missions for which we set our sights. Everything is so much more complicated. Closings don't close. Lenders are circling the wagons. There are rumors of problems beyond the surface. Promised closings disappear as quickly as they materialize. Sometimes in a day's time.

You drive around, if you can afford the gas to do so, and you see the indications of economic downslides. Businesses are closing. Nothing is taking their place. There are a lot of for sale signs, but no buyers.

Meanwhile, I can't get to where I want to be: sitting in the dying sun of afternoon, sipping on a beer and eating oysters. Digesting the hot dogs of the day. Relaxed. Not worrying whether or not the next day's mail will include checks from the clients. Not worrying about making payroll, paying the bills.

I am thinking about Toccoa, when I graduated from law school. Weekends at Lake Rabun. Cans of Miller Lite in every hand. Parties on Saturday nights at the country club. Drinking wine out of Boots Ramsey's wine cellar. Driving over to Clemson to drink some beers with the very short coeds and eat some seafood at Redd's Seafood in the adjoining town.

What the Hell? Where are all these references to seafood coming from?

I've got to get some iodine in me.

Here's to the end of Bloody May. No matter what is before us in June. It has to be better.

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