Saturday, May 24, 2008

Everything is the same, no matter where you go

I read some of my blogs from this time last year. One blog spoke of the tenuousness of life and our proximity to ruin. I wonder how close I am. Am I closer than last year or is relief just around the corner? I wonder. I do know that the concerns of last year are the same concerns of this year. And the limitations, both mine and of the times, are probably still the same.

This life we live is so tenuous. Still, there are compensations. I love my wife. I love my daughter. I can walk out in the backyard and enjoy the beauty of the morning or the afternoon.

I can even take out my guitar, something which I haven't done in months, and entertain the birds and squirrels with my own warbling. I might even get my family or a member of the neighborhood to come listen to me. Or even join me.

I am not sure how cognizant I am of my own talents and the ability of these talents to give me comfort. This piece and the ability to vent a bit is a simple practical comfort. The guitar sits against the wall of the study upstairs. If it had the ability to think and feel and express itself without my assistance, it might vent of its loneliness.

A guitar sits and waits and sings its joy and sorrow under the hand of a conductor or another. Its song is sweet or sad or successful depending on the hand of the player. Even the heaviest of hands can bring something to bear.

Why are oysters and a good beer still caught in my brain? If I could have some bit of communion with friends and family.

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