Sunday, April 29, 2007

Whose prophecy?

I read this poem this morning and I re-read it to Cindy.

The Day of Resurrection

On every side is clamour and tumult, in every street are candles and torches.
For tonight the teeming world gives birth to the World Everlasting.
Thou wert dust and art spirit, thou wert ignorant and art wise.
He who has led thee thus far will lead thee further also.
How pleasant are the pains He makes thee suffer while He gently draws thee to Himself.

Rumi (translated by F. Hadland Davis)

Cindy sees this as a sign to me of what God is giving me in response to my diligence at prayers.
She reads this poem as personal to me rather than as a depiction of the coming of Christ and how God, the father, deals with him. Am I to take this personally? We shall see.

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