Sunday, April 22, 2007

The end has come

Well, tomorrow is the beginning of another week. The last full week in April. Is April the cruelest month? Did that quote have anything to do with the Internal Revenue Service? I don't know.

It is the end of Sunday. We spent half the day at Callaway Gardens. I enjoyed the wildflower walk near the raptor houses. We saw an awful lot of wildflowers. I guess it is the month. We saw a lot of wildflower you don't necessarily see together. That is the beauty of having an almost limitless budget and a good location. You'd be hard pressed to find that in nature. In any location.

Of course, we had to stop in Pine Mountain first to look in a bunch of little shops. This is an endeavor which separates the men from the women. There is definitely a limit to how much shop crap I can wade through. And stopping to get a slice of cake is a waste when the help takes about forty five minutes to fill the order. A saving grace: they were playing the Braves game on the radio, but had the sound at a level where you couldn't understand what was going on.

There is a truth which I wish to share. Baseball on the radio is a wonderful thing, but it only works in the privacy of your home or in your car. Especially your car. But baseball on the radio in a restaurant or food shop is pretty much a waste. There, you are guaranteed to be surrounded by people who could care less about the game and show their indifference by talking over the sound of the broadcast about whatever springs to their minds.

Baseball on television can be wonderful as well, and here is the secret: you don't need to put on the sound to enjoy it. As a matter of fact, with the right television, the audio broadcast is simply irrelevant. There is something truly American and institutional about watching baseball on a television in a bar. Almost a cliche. But when the game video grabs the collective attention of the patrons and everyone goes berserk when the home team does something important, without the audio to motivate the crowd, there is something approaching a collective conscienceness which borders on the psychologically significant.

Anyway, the Braves beat the accursed Mets. Kate's favorite, Kelly Johnson, hit two multi-run homers to basically win the game. And Kate explained that she had been smoking middle eastern tobacco out of a hookah the night before. I think it is time for Kate to come home. There are limits to everything and all good things must come to an end. Kate's good time is ending soon. And smoking middle eastern weed from a hookah is a good signpost that it is time to come back home.

Then she can get a job.

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