Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Again the alarm failed to go off and we slept until the sun was beating on the tops of our heads from the window behind our bed. We are on an altered schedule at this point. I smell some danger from the possibility of sleeping too late and finding myself explaining myself to some judge somewhere who probably would have little sympathy for my new sleep schedule.

I heard somewhere that it takes thirty days to create or break a habit. If that is true then we have a lot of work to do within the next month. I also need to work on that alarm clock. Night before last it was simply a product of the clock losing power and shutting off the alarm mechanism. I thought we had that figured out but obviously this morning's alarm failure showed that we either didn't set the alarm last night or there is something wrong with the clock itself. I'll have to take a look at that this afternoon.

The humidity has been leached from the weather this week and we are supposed to have some days where it is hot, but dry leading into this weekend when it will get cooler. It seems that Fall is on its way. Hurrah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a great article.. I' m get a kick it.. obedient post