Tuesday, August 31, 2010


August is now going and I am feeling the coming of September and the dying of the year as we head toward the end of this year and the beginning of a new year. I stepped out tonight with Tex to allow him his evening perambulation around the front yard and noticed a new coolness in the breeze. I looked up in the sky and noticed the new stars of Autumn coming across the sky. Soon, Orion, the Hunter will show itself as it moves across the heavens. Orion seems to show himself and rise higher in the sky as it gets closer to my birthday and Christmas. He stays evident in the sky until Spring, when he disappears for the Spring and Summer.

This is another evening where I wish I could go to bed, but spent too much time asleep on the couch earlier. Now, I wish I could go to sleep. The time will come, I know, but it would be nice if it was a little sooner.

This is going nowhere.

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