Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday morning, 6:42 a.m.

It is now 6:00 in the morning and I can sit here and assess the damage. I got to bed earlier and read on my book for awhile, instead of sitting in this chair and watching television. I did not wake up until 5:50 this morning and I feel better than yesterday. Perhaps I might be able to do something productive this morning.

Yesterday morning, I got to the office and was not up to doing much. Fortunately, I got a call from the borrower in Greensboro around 10:30 and drove back to get her signatures on the paperwork. This allowed me time behind the wheel of the car which allowed me to get something to eat and sit in front of ESPN and watch a discussion of Rick Pitino's "indiscretion" with the sound off on the television. I wonder if they were watching that in Lexington with the sound way up. That might take a little pressure off the new basketball coach in Lexington.

I wonder what cousin Jeff thinks about that? He is such a virulent UK hater, I wonder if that anti-Hilltopper sentiment extends to Louisville also? I would assume any other university which competes with WKU would run afoul of cousin Jeff.

I just saw Tiger Woods and Phil Mikkelson putting on Sportscenter just a second ago. I am not prejudiced against lefthanders, but when Mikkelson putted, there was something fundamentally strange about the way it looked. It almost looked like he was putting with the backside of his putter. I know that is not the case, but there are so few lefthanded golfers who get much time on ESPN that it was odd looking at first glance.

I didn't mean to sound like I had something against left handed people, but it just caught my eye. I never had that response when I was watching footage of Jimi Hendrix playing guitar and he was lefthanded. It is interesting what catches your eye. Perhaps my interest in the two clips was caused by running them back to back on the program. It forced the images to run side by side.

When you watch Sportscenter like this you get to a point where the stories start running all over again like when your cd player starts rerunning the same stories for a second time. I have come to that point in this morning's television.

I know with cd playing that Cindy and I have been driving down the road and we have had something in the cdplayer which runs several times before one of us realizes that we have allowed the cd player to rerun the music. That either means that we didn't appreciate the music enough to realize the music was playing for a second time or we liked the music so much that we were able to run it again without noticing.

Well, it is 6:42 now and Cindy is in the shower. What that means is that I will have to water the plants on the patio pretty soon. I better get some breakfast pretty soon. Later.

1 comment:

frank said...

Just remember... Phil may play lefty, but he isn't left handed. One of the stranger things in sports.