Monday, August 24, 2009

My mind is fried

I got back in to the office and everything seemed about the way I expected. A little more piled up with messages and mail and things to deal with. I needed to prepare some discovery and an objection to a probate and see a client in jail who will be brought to court to meet with me and the judge and the solicitor tomorrow afternoon. He faces some more probation and some more fines and some more community service and there is not a logical way for him to earn a living when he is released from jail. In addition, he will be in the county jail for at least another four months. How do you deal with that. I told him that it is better to serve time on a burglary than be placed on probation for a dui. Strange.

I met with three people who between them might have half a clue. I spoke with someone who is singularly going to force me to throw my cell phone into the Flint River somewhere south of Upson County. I also spoke with someone who was told that the reason I had not written was because my aunt had died and I had been out of state attending her funeral. He said he understood. Later in the day, he called back and asked me when I would be sending the letters. He obviously understood.

These are a few of my favorite things.....

Apparently a man is growing truffles in East Tennessee. I look forward to buying truffle oil from a local source. That can go along with the ginseng stolen from the deep woods and sold in China. The new triangular trade: France, China, East Tennessee? I would like to start something with East Tennessee where we send them something and they send us something really valuable: heirloom tomatoes. As a matter of fact, they can just keep sending those tomatoes southward. I figure we can work something out later. I'm sure of it.

I am sure I am not out of things to write about. I think I need to find the 'negative capability' that Keats spoke about. Finding the mean by realizing the time when you stop adding and let be. Kind of a late Beatles philosophy where you know when to stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Understand? I think you have to be a certain type of English major to really appreciate that.

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