Thursday, June 11, 2009

Peace on Thursday evening

Kate is sitting in a cowpasture in Middle Tennessee. Tex is sleeping in his little house. After we ate our supper tonight, I was laying on the couch watching reruns of Burn Notice, while Cindy played with the computer. At some point, I had a lapse of consciousness, as I napped on the sofa. A little later, I awoke to about the final quarter hour of the program.

Outside, there was a tremendous summer thunderstorm pouring rain and electrical charges all around the neighborhood. A hint of twilight lightened up the sky. After the storm was over, I got up and changed into my pajamas. Suddenly, a feeling of satisfaction and peace came over me. I realized that the charged air after the thunderstorm and the quiet of the house with just we two inside, could bring me quite a bit of satisfaction.

You never know where your next sense of contentment is coming from. Excuse me, I need to go hug my wife.

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