Monday, June 1, 2009

Modern Life in various hues

Today was the first really hot day of the disappearing Spring. It got up to around 90 and several people I ran into were complaining of the heat. I lost a retainer fee on a poor older client who can't make his mind up if he wants to be married or divorced. I called him today and he said he was going to work on his marriage. Bad for me. Good for him? We'll see.

Later in the day, I talked with an employee of a closing company in California who asked me if I did closings. I am on the list of his company, but he apparently didn't know that. I had already lost one on Tuesday because I wanted more money than they were willing to pay. I lost one today because I wasn't available at 4:00 for a little town outside Columbus. These companies are getting a little picky.

Tomorrow is Foreclosure day and I only have five foreclosures to cry out. Only I will go out tomorrow in the June sunshine. Everyone else will stay home. I need to get these sales done in a workmanlike manner and get back to Griffin. I have to be ready for court on Friday in Decatur and have things I need to do to prepare.

I have put myself back on the low side of the economic cycle. I need to work on building up the accounts to cover the cost of living in this family. It never ends.

There are so many people who are having problems. I guess it is part of my profession to deal with the problems. Sometimes it feels like everytime you get ahold of one part of it, the other part erupts into something bigger. I have a client right now who seems to be caught up in an endless cycle from which he cannot eradicate himself. John Bunyan's Slough of Despond in reality. Not a metaphor, but a thesis.

And I ride on the top of the morass. Skating up the surface as if it were ice. Until it catches my heal and I slip into the slough, myself. In the world we live in, it is not difficult to find yourself in the slough like everyone else. Even the lawyers.

The only difference is we engender little sympathy from the crowd.

Well, tomorrow I run from Griffin to Monroe to Homer to Gainesville to Canton to LaGrange. Then back home again. Using my cell phone to cover the communications I need to make along the way. Too many details to run out as the train rides on its rails.

Boy, I have not allowed myself to keep on one set of metaphors tonight.

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