Thursday, May 14, 2009



I have got a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Get to see Dr. David and his nurse.

We are going to go to the movie this afternoon before Kate bursts. Bouncing around the office.

Cindy is off tomorrow and we are going to the High Museum tomorrow night. Jazz night at the old museum.

The last time we went to Jazz Night at the High Museum, we ignored the music and I just about fell asleep in the modern collection. I think we got home around 2:00 in the morning. I don't think we could have got Missie to sit still and listen to the music anyway. We were lucky to get to go to the Varsity that night.

Blood pressure, pumping, pumping. I need to lose around twenty pounds. Then wait for the next time I apply for insurance.

It is a pretty day. It will probably rain a bit tonight. I need to walk. I don't think I will.


Cluck, cluck, cluck. Why is there such a mysterious importance with the number three? Is it the trinity? Is it father, mother, child? Is it the number of completeness? Father, son and Holy Ghost.

Only tick tock is different. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. The clock is ticking.

Get to work.

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