Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hump day

This has been a dreary day. The weather is fine. But the day itself could stand some improvement. I caught myself drifting off to sleep just a few minutes ago. Kate came in to my office and asked me if it was time to take a nap. I had to confess that I had already taken advantage of that a few minutes before. Now she is jealous.

I wish I had a bit more to do than what is at hand. This real estate drop is troublesome. It'll get better, I know. But the waiting and the meantime is a pain.

It will be nice if Kate gets this job in France. She will have fun and we might get a trip to Paris out of the whole matter. That would be fun.

Meanwhile, keep it going. Keep going to the post office and looking for the checks. Well, the weekend is not far ahead.

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