Thursday, May 14, 2009


If you need any proof that I am a morning person, consider today. I awoke at 4:50. I could hear Cindy snoring strongly. I left the bedroom and entered the living room. I sat down on the coach, found the remote and turned on the television. I lay back down on the couch, and watched the news for a bit. I then re-awoke for the Today show, as Kate bounced down the stairs. I went into the kitchen and made coffee for Cindy. Kate was making herself some eggs. I then cleaned the pan with which Kate had made her eggs and then took Tex to finish the business he began in the mudroom.

I glanced at my reflection in the window of Kate's car and didn't much like it. I then returned indoors, unleashed the dog, and pulled a yogurt out of the refrigerator. Glancing at the now empty orange juice container, I removed a teaspoon from the drawer and sat down on the couch with the ladies to eat my yogurt. After my yogurt, Kate said that she was going to take a shower but I could tell from her face that she wasn't leaving for the shower any time soon.

So I went and took a shower and shaved. Afterward, I dressed, brushed my teeth, kissed Cindy and came into work. On my journey, I stopped at the bank and removed some money. Now I have been sitting in front of my computer, dealing with the messages on facebook, reading my emails and considering the day. At some point this morning, I will look at my watch and realize that it is close to 11:00 in the morning. Lunch and then back to the office at which I will probably place my feet up on the arm chair next to my credenza and take a short nap before I have to go to the doctor at 3:45.

I am not sure that that is proof that I am a morning person, but I must say I feel more alive in the morning than I do in the afternoon. Particularly at night when I seem to doze in front of the television until Cindy tells me to wake up and go to bed.

That's our little joke.

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