Thursday, April 16, 2009

Failure to communicate

Where are we? The ability to communicate is so broad, yet we allow ourselves to go deeper into ourselves so that we control the communication, like a border guard in Texas. Yet the communications continue to bombard us from without and we sit and work to block and keep them out. That becomes our greatest task.

When I was in high school at Peachtree, I used some birthday money and bought "Bridge over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel. That ultimately led me to purchase every album they ever put out, which included two albums with "Sounds of Silence." I remember reading album blurbs about the meaning of the song and its diatribe against a lack of communication.

Perhaps we need to revisit that song again. Perhaps we ought to rename it. Something like "Silence through the Sounds." I feel a poem coming on.

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