Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yesterday we had a wonderful taste of the beginning of summer. On Friday night, around ten thirty, I built a fire, cut some fat and rubbed salt on two pork shoulders and started the process of turning pig meat into barbecue. It is magic, but it is slow magic. Yesterday morning, I awoke around six thirty and started it all over again. Then I tried to take care of a little business, without success, before I came back home and worked in the yard with Cindy for a few hours until it was time to pack the barbecue and drive over to Williamson for an evening of relaxed fun at the Reahard's house.

Sitting under the cover of the green-leaved trees and enjoying the comradery of our friends, we ended the evening with plane rides in Chip's Stearman trainer plane. Even the return of allergic reactions, late in the evening, could not place a damper on our evening. Cindy and I returned home and I put a pot of water on the stove and we ended the evening drinking glasses of hot tea to relax the burn in our throats.

Now it is Sunday morning. Tex has been out and now he is beating his paws against the floor, as he tries to reduce the itching beneath his fur. Poor dog. No matter what we do, there is no cure. Oh well, at least it is calm and quiet and we can watch the world awaken on this bright, sunny morning.

I did hear birds this morning. Spring is here. April will be gone on Friday and we will be officially in the "lusty month of May." This is the month in which England rises to the sap within herself and begins to enjoy the wonderful weather of that island during the late Spring and Summer months. It is also the month of the Kentucky Derby. Ladies in bright dresses and hats. Men in light-colored suits, officially. A new look at the world, again. We are young and we have life within us. No matter how old we are.

Rise and feel the life flowing within you. Summer and all that it holds is before us. We are on the brink. Close your eyes. Hear the birds, feel the warmth. Enjoy the home-grown vegetables.

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