Friday, December 5, 2008


Just so everyone can know that there is a ton of bull in our family, I attach this which as far as I can tell is the actual coat of arms of my family. The arms includes the colors of red and silver, which are the colors I wanted to choose for Dunwoody before the colors were ultimately picked. In addition, you can see that there are three bull heads on the arms, with a bull depicted above the arms.

My point is that there is no reason to assume that my bull-headedness is anything other than a genetic predisposition. Of course, my grandfather raised cattle and my father was a salesman and I, of course, am a professional bull-thrower.

It just tends to flow from generation to generation.

1 comment:

Susan said...

trrrryyyyyiinnnngggg noooooootttt ttoooooo cooooommmmmeeeennnnt.....