Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I was killing time yesterday afternoon, waiting for some more clients to show up (which they didn't) and decided to amend my blogsite a little. Just a little freshening up for Christmas. So I amended my bio and my saying and then decided to look around for a nice picture to put at the heading of my blog.

I had hoped that I would find a suitable picture of myself for inclusion; however, I have found that as I have progressed past my forties, my ability to take a good picture has gradually disintegrated. At this point, it would be best if my face and the cameras of the world bid adieu.

I am hopeful that someday I might remove some of the stuffing around my features and return to some semblance of acceptable features. However, there is such a low level of hope at this point that it is questionable as to whether that is possible at this point.

The stuffing has its points. I think it keeps the wrinkles from coming out on around my eyes. And my mouth. And my forehead. And anywhere else they might find themselves a nice place to rest.

So, anyway, I looked on my computer for all of the acceptable, non-personal pictures to place at the top of the blog. After considering all of the pictures, I decided to utilize the picture of the oysterman, dumping the oysters from his oyster rake. At first, that was just an accomodation with what I had. However, as I thought about it, I could rationalize a good reason for using that picture.

For example, it reminds me of what seems to be a dying art. Oysters are getting so expensive, as they become less prevalent along the coastlines of this country. Secondly, it reminds me of our Thanksgivings in Apalachicola and some summer trips to St. Petersburg. Those are pleasant memories. Finally, it reflects on my efforts to fill up the blank pages in this blog. Oyster shells, like the writings contained herein, are not often pretty. Like the oysterman, I am dipping my rake into the shallow waters, pulling up what I can find. Sometimes the shells are empty. Sometimes the oysters are bad. Most of the time the shells seem to have some meat to them. And even a few of those ugly grey shells harbor pearls within.

So oysterman, it is. Until I come up with something better.

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