Thursday, December 25, 2008

Peace on earth

We all have expectations. They are not all reasonable. Expectations can be built on the past or on a hope for a different future. When we consider Christmas, what are we hoping for? I would expect that even the most reasonable adults want to replicate, in some degree, something from their past. The past of presents and sweets and naval oranges and nuts. The past when even the haughty, the proud and the violent, stopped their warring and joined in the fun, the consideration of rest.

We should have peace at this time of year. And perhaps some of the children do have peace. But what of the adults? Where is our peace? Where is the safe harbor of Christmas?

I joined in the misery of buying and selling and coming and going and getting and getting both today and Monday and Saturday. I even helped myself to a heaping bowlful of Christmas capitalism on other days during this season from Thanksgiving (a time of over-eating and leaving the difficulties to others, gluttony with a capital "g") on through the early days when things seemed to slow down and try to take note of the season and on to tomorrow. But we are caught in a spiral. We are caught up in the process of creating Christmas, when we need only stop and take note of what the season should mean to us.

I would enjoy the time to consider the season and the reason, as they say. But I can't help but being drawn in to the mess. The process, rather than the actual holiday.

Tomorrow, no, today is a holy day. We should treat it as such. Love incarnate should draw us to love one another. Stop the Christmas carnage. Stop the Christmas carnage. Will this season of economic depression cause us to turn back to this time righteously?

Probably not. I do know this: we are all sinners. We should take a moment and repent our sins. Perhaps that might lead our psyches home. Follow Tolstoy and live a life of simplicity. Tolstoy and Thoreau and Jesus, himself. We are all called to these simple lives where the truths, the philosopy is one which leads us to pause and consider.

Pause and consider. Drink a coke. Let the acid and sugar rot your teeth. Find a simple supper of broth and vegetables and fruit and consideration and love. And peace.

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