Sunday, June 8, 2008


Well, yesterday was a hot one. Kate and I got in the car early and I got my hair cut and Kate went to meet with Cissie to deal with visiting her home while Cissie is in St. Louis and Rome. Kate will be house-sitting off and on and she wanted to arrange with Cissie for the details.

Meanwhile, Cindy was working in the back garden. Hey! We have a ripening tomato. Just orange, yet, but heading in the right direction. Today, I checked again and there is another one oranging up. Looks like around fifteen tomatoes of varying sizes and colors. Plus a few more blossoms on the plant.

Today I went to church and sang in the choir. Bill Day was back from his cruise to Alaska. I had to sluff off questions about where we have been over the last several weeks. But nevertheless. Another family joined the church. The pianist played a beautiful gospel-inflected solo. Wonderful. She has some talent and some taste. You don't get those two gifts together that often.

This weekend has been very hot. Very summery. I have eaten a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit. We finished off a real ripe watermelon from the State Farmer's Market. We need to replace that bad boy.

This time of year, it is hard to beat a good ripe watermelon. Only a big, juicy, sweet peach from Middle Georgia comes close. Maybe a few more weeks.

This week will be critical. In many ways. Sunday is Father's Day. I wish I could have helped Cindy's dad this weekend on his new deck. A little directed physical labor, a couple of beers and maybe a dip in their pool.

Actually, food wise, I am over the oysters and the hot dogs. I think I'll move on to ribs.

Its just summer, babe.

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