Friday, June 20, 2008

Filling the page

Given my most recent posting, I bet you are wondering how I choose the topics upon which I write. Me too. I know Cindy always wonders how my mind works. I do too, sometimes. One of the idiocyncracies I have is a habit of talking out conversations in my brain. Commonly, I think out dialogues in my brain, thinking out scenes and what not. Sometimes, the dialogues become so real that I just start speaking them out.

When this happens, people around me will wonder what I am talking about or to whom I am speaking. I guess most people are polite enough to refrain from asking me what I am talking about. Cindy has a tendency to ask me what I was saying. Often the answer is just some little scene I am speaking out in my mind, which won't amount to anything.

Its just something I do from time to time.

I was reading about some compilations of writings by Hemingway. One is his writings on fishing. The other is his writings on hunting. I remember rereading "The Sun Also Rises" a couple of years ago. The first time I read it was in high school, and I remember being somewhat bored by the plot. I am not sure I made it through the book. This time, however, I finished the book. I remember thinking that the story really didn't take off until the main character and his buddies go to Spain to go fishing. That is when the description really takes off. I get the impression that Hemingway was good at it because it was something he really liked.

I guess that is understandable. He would be better at something he really liked to write about. Perhaps that is why my writings about the farm seem to be better than some of my other writing. I get the impression, when I write these things, that sometimes I am just trying to fill up the page. You might be thinking that right now.

Then I will go on to something else.

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