Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, wide open

Well, I am properly provisioned in my car now with my spork (for when I am hungry)and my blanket (for when the car breaks down in the middle of the Winter). Of course, the temperature here in Middle Georgia is in the 60's today which is not bad for a late February day in Georgia. I have to leave the office this afternoon and go to Thomaston. I am awaiting several calls from different folks and need to make a call to an IRS agent before the day is out.

I am still awaiting a check from a lawyer in Barnesville and am awaiting a meeting with a client this afternoon to work out some things on some matters. The days ahead look promising. I received a check on a settlement and will take my fee out of the check as soon as I can get an address to send the balance to my client.

I did a little Spring cleaning in Patti's office. I am sure she will be upset when she sees it, but it needed to be done. I need another set of banker's boxes. It would be nice if I could get all of these files straight.

I have recently taken several calls on criminal cases where the person says he is coming and then doesn't show. It would be nice to connect on one of these soon.

I have got a lot of things to work on over the next few days. Patti is in West Virginia with her friends and family skiing. Must be fun. Meanwhile, I am still providing nursing care, of a sort, for Cindy.

Well, I just got a call from an attorney in Waycross and a hearing I thought I had in Waycross will have to be postponed for a mediation. Either way, I will have to drive to Waycross. It would be nice if I could combine that with a trip to the beach. Or at least some seafood. We'll see.

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