Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A good day, all in all

I have been rather busy today and didn't seem to have much time to write. I had people in and out of here and never seemed to grasp some leisure time to write. Reflexion takes some time to be alone and without distractions or other needs tugging at your time. When you are sufficiently busy, you don't have the time to think and cogitate (that may be same thing).

At any rate, I got to sit with Cindy at lunch and watch television and relax for awhile today. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and we can celebrate our love in some way. She is planning on going back to work and I hope that won't be too much stress on her. Monday took a good bit out of her.

I just threw my cellphone on the floor. There may have been a little bit of frustration there, but I thought it was a coincidence. You never know when your subconscious is going to take you by the hand and cause you to drop the source of your present frustration. Or toss it.

Today was a pretty good day. I will go home briefly to walk the dog and then go to church for supper and choir practice. Maybe I'll kiss the wife along the way.

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