Thursday, February 21, 2008

Life, staring me in the face

I have been busy straightening up the office and taking care of clients and trying to handle the normal stuff while without secretarial help. It has been fun. However, things do look a lot better around here.

I am awaiting the noise I get when Patti arrives on Monday from her vacation in West Virginia and finds that her work station is all tidy and straight and everything is in a different place from which she left it when she left last Friday. I know the last time I tried to straighten up things around her she got quite upset. She said she couldn't find anything. Of course, with the normal status of her work station, its questionable as to whether she can find anything normally.

But, as someone with whom I was speaking said, I'm the one who signs the checks. It becomes hard to remember that sometimes. It does look better around her right now. It would be nice to keep it this way for awhile.

It has been raining for several hours now. It is supposed to keep raining for several days. Perhaps through Saturday. I would like to get some recreation during the next few weeks. I would really like to go to a hockey game this Saturday in Columbus. I can't get Cindy to go because of her delicate condition.

I am supposed to have a closing with someone at the Little Caesar's Pizza place this afternoon. I also need to perform a title inspection for a closing tomorrow morning. All before the end of the day. I have two real closings tomorrow. What a surprise.

Meanwhile, I am waiting on checks from different sources. That has become the norm around here.

I have a lot to do around here. "All by myself. Don't want to be, all by myself, anymore."

That was a song by Eric Carmen, I think, formerly of the Raspberrys.

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