Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday morning in McDonough, sans client

This morning came early and my body would not rise sufficiently to allow me to carry on with the early morning items until it was getting later and Cindy had already made her own coffee. Tex needed to be taken outside and I stood out in the moist morning and wondered if my client would meet me at the Judicial Center in McDonough for our hearing scheduled for 9:00 o'clock that morning.

Cindy was clearly not moving as fast as she needed to in order to get her on the tarmac at Griffin Tech at 8:00 so that I would be able to get to the courthouse at the time at which I aimed. Nevertheless, I dropped her off and headed up toward to State Route 20 and the road to McDonough.

I arrived at the Judicial Center around twenty before nine and sat and waited for him to arrive. I had called several numbers for him the night before. None of the numbers I had was working or accepting incoming calls. When it got too close to nine o'clock, I went into the courtroom and sat down to await calendar call. The judge finally entered the courtroom and began calling the cases. When he got to mine I acknowledged that I was counsel for the Defendant and that he was absent. The judge allowed me some more time to try to get ahold of my client.

I went back out into the lobby outside and courtroom and tried to call my client. I never reached him. Finally, the judge called the case and heard my argument about the lack of personal jurisdiction over my client. The judge granted my argument and transfered the two cases to Spalding County and Bibb County, respectively.

I drove back home and bought lunch for Cindy and myself. When I got to Griffin Tech, I drug the meals and Cindy's box of soft drinks from the parking lot down through the cafeteria, past the never-ending construction site, down the long downstairs hall to the elevator, up to the second floor, and down the hallway to the library, past the never-ending construction site, and into the library, past the Head Librarian, who never says hello, never acknowledges my presence, is constantly on the computer, never seems to have any contact with any of the other employees, leaves early sometimes, is painfully shy, etc., etc., etc. to my wife's office in the back of the back of the back.

There I shared lunch time with Cindy until it was time for her to work and me to go home and let the dog out, again, and fall asleep in front of Homocide: Life on the Streets.

Now I am here. Wondering about the next closing.

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