Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another wednesday

Today is Wednesday, the middle of the week. Both Cindy and myself were born on Wednesdays. We are full of woe. Is that so? Sometimes. At least that is how the old rhyme goes.

Last night I went back to work on the flooring in the living room. I extended the flooring to where it connects to the long pieces that I had previously installed in the room and then taken up. Now I am at the point where I can relay the old pieces that I had previously installed and connect them with what is on the floor now.

I looked at the laid flooring last night and it looked good to me. I looked at it again this morning and it looked good to me. Cindy took a look at it this morning and she thought she saw part of the flooring coming up. I looked at it and I couldn't see it. We'll see. I have to make sure everything is right before I start relaying the flooring.

I kind of think that I could get close to finishing this flooring up if I had a few hours today and a few tomorrow or over the weekend. Of course, we are scheduled to travel to Louisiana for a wedding this weekend.

Today I am trying to get ready for closings for tomorrow. I am not getting much assistance from the lenders and borrowers. I need to close these loans tomorrow.

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