Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Greatest exit lines

Here are my favorite exit lines in life, movies and literature:

Movie exit lines:

1)"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." (Rhett Butler, Gone with the Wind)

2) "Louis, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship." (Rick, Casablanca)

Book exit line: "Turn the boat around." (Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez)(this is a paraphrase)

Life exit line (profound):

"I would rather serve in the house of the Lord, than sit in the seats of the mighty." (Sen. Alben Barkley, uttered at Washington and Lee University Mock Democratic Convention, Lexington, Virginia 1956)

Life exit line (comic):

"Either this wallpaper goes, or I do." (Oscar Wilde, uttered in a hotel room in Paris, France)

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