Friday, June 29, 2007

A weekend full of fun

What a sad combination:
The end of the week,
No plans
And little money dribbling in.
Can I find something to do that is fun
For Kate and me
And doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
Or am I doomed to sit inside
And watch the clock hands whirl round and round
The clock face
And wish I was somewhere else
Or someone else?
I guess I could go into the office tomorrow
And push paper around my desk and try to clean off the floor
And send posts throught the post office.
Of course, I need to fertilize the tomatoes and basil
And fix the deadbolt on the carport door at home.
Well, there is always something to do at home
Or at the office.
I would like to recreate though,
But that always takes time and money,
Things that are not necessarily in large supply around here.
What fun!

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