There is a portly dude, who was just one of the guys at school, pretty funny, fun to be around in the dorm room, enjoyed his beer and the occasional grain party out in the country, and he had an uncle who was something for awhile, which maybe gave him the notion that he was something as well, I don't know, don't really care, but anywy he left home and ended up in California, like every other American notion, and now he is on the little rectangle and the big one and the one you bought at the movie store for $9.99, because it was pre-viewed and the damn thing has a glitch in the middle where it jerks and becomes snowy, but you can still see him and he seems lost, kind of like he did when he wandered into your dorm room that night and ended up listening to music on the floor and fell asleep and you closed the door and turned off the lights, and your girlfriend at the time was really irritated because she couldn't figure out why you wanted to let him just sleep there, but it was alright and you wonder now if he even remembers things like that, incidents when he was just a junior in the dorm and had too much to drink and fell asleep while some music you don't even listen to played and woke up and left without saying anything until you saw him in the dining hall and smiled and he nodded his head and you really think that was the last time you spoke to him until after graduation and he hugged your mother and danced away, off to California and sunshine and wine and fun with this celebrity and that one and there is probably a cute blonde who thinks he is funny and he is happy and making loads of money and partying with all the actors and television people and working on this project or that and you wonder if he remembers you as you drive into work in the morning, listening to top 40 radio and they are talking about local celebrities and his name came up and you thought, "hey, I wonder if he remembers that time he fell asleep in my dorm room?"
He looks good in the picture.
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