Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baseball is over here

Yesterday evening, I went to bed knowing that the Braves had been eliminated and Bobby Cox had come to his last day as manager of the Braves. A year which had so much promise and opportunity, which had shown a lot of pluck and effort and a little bit of luck. But now it was over. Quite sad.

Tonight, Texas eliminated Tampa Bay. Poor Ed. He was at the game. That would be hard.

Baseball begins in Spring, when the world is recreating itself again. Soft green grass and pastel flowers appearing on the ground. Azaleas in bloom. Pure white blossoms of the dogwoods among the evergreens. There is so much possibility and newness.

But it ends in Autumn, when the year is dying and heading toward Winter and the end of the year. We want it to last another week, another couple of weeks. But the gig is up now. They had a story on the news tonight and they showed the players removing their possessions from their lockers. They were talking about who would manage next year.

Something special is over. Possibility will return next Spring.

Meantime, football is in full swing, not halfway over.

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