Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back home we go

Today started about like any other day, around seven in the morning, and I would have sung in the choir if I hadn't misplaced my billfold as I left the house and ended up finding it too late to get to church. So, I changed clothes and Cindy and I went over the living room two or three times until we had almost filled the trash can outside with enough dog hair to reconstruct a small dog or two. Perhaps they will take it back to the hair back to the lab and create a junkyard dog for the workers. We moved everything two or three times to completely delouse the downstairs common areas.

As we completed this task, the brave Falcons were pounding the Arizona Cardinals to little pieces in the Georgia Dome. At some point during the day, we were going to travel up to Dunwoody to visit mom and Kate and do some shopping, but we spoke with Kate and she was planning on coming down to us, so we stayed in Griffin and cleaned the doghair from the surfaces of the living room and kitchen and entry hall.

Finally, about the time we had finished our hair removal, Kate arrived and we talked her into staying over night, since I had straightened her room enough to provide for sleep in a comfortable bed with clean sheets.

Which left us the opportunity to hop in Kate's car and travel down Maddox Road to El Toro Loco, where we sat outside in the late warmth of the passing Summer and drank iced tea and ate Mexican food until we were full and could take our leftovers back home and head back out to Wal-Mart to shop for life's necessities.

Afterward we bought ice cream from one of the local Dairy Queens and came home to sit with the dog and watch recorded television shows for Kate. I sat in my chair in the living room, next to my wife and my dog and my daughter, and it occurred to me how enjoyable it was to have our daughter back home with us, just quietly enjoying a night at home together.

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