Thursday, July 9, 2009

Late Thursday afternoon

I am thinking about my life in general and wondering about where I am in the great scheme of things. Sometimes I feel like I am way behind and need to run to catch up. At other times, I feel like I may have a handle on this thing and others might learn from my example. Fortunately, I don't have those moments of self-satisfaction that often, lest I fall prey to my own pridefulness. It is nice to have a wife and an adult daughter who can right me when I roll over on the back of my shell and I find myself wallowing in my own selfishness.

The weather outside my window is quite pleasant. The sun is shining and I bet I could walk out into the humidity of July and feel quite happy with my life. I might drive the car home and open a bottle of St. Louis malt and hops and settle down into the comfort availing of a certain brown leather chair and really feel quite content.

On the other hand, there is much to be done. Perhaps, I should drive home, take stock of the matters at hand and get ready for tomorrow's evil and the coming of the weekend. I think I will leave this place of presumptous economy, drive home and take a long look at the new coiffure of my wife and see what she has in mind for supper.

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