Friday, January 30, 2009

This was a long day, Cindy

Today was the day to step out.

Today was the day to leave Kate and Cindy behind as I jumped into the effort to free myself, to find a new place.

Today was cold, the wind whipping around the corner of the building as I packed boxes in the car and drove them to their new home.

Twenty four years at the end of February and now a new place to toss the fly.

It has been a long day. An even longer time in one place. Perhaps too long.

Hindsight is 20/20.

Tonight, we drove over to Slices, a new pizza parlor and ate, Cindy, Kate, Patti and me. Kate and I each drank a glass of Terrapin, a beer brewed in Athens, Georgia. A distinctive flavor, based on grains of rye. The pizza was good, as well. We were surrounded by Griffinites. All there, enjoying ourselves. Enjoying each other.

It was nice.

I'd like to share.

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