Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taking the time to get better

Yesterday and today, I spent quite a bit of time with Kate at the office, organizing files and removing extraneous items which I don't really need to keep. At the end of the day today, I had ten large bags of trash to be shredded. My office is a wreck, but everything within it is organized and most everything is in a box or an orderly stack, with the exception of what is near my computer/work space. That part will be removed last.

Tonight I read an article in GQ about getting organized. I am going to keep the issue of the magazine for later, and not just because it has a really amazing picture of Jennifer Anniston on the cover, wearing nothing but a tie. That helps. But the article will be helpful in the future.

By the end of the week, I will be in my new office and will be organized there. I have decided to change my way of doing things in my office. I think it will keep me better organized and more professional in the future.

I am trying. This is the time to do these things, while the times are slow and the business is in a lull.

I guess when you are fifty two, you should be a little better organized. On the other hand, there probably is no age limit on being disorganized.

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